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Chicken Soup

Posted on:March 13, 2023

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1whole chicken spatchcocked (remove backbone and wings tips)
3 boxesunsalted or low sodium chicken stock
2-3 lbspotatoes cut into an inch or 1.5 inch size pieces
3carrots cut into discs
1carrot for the stock
5garlic cloves
1 bunchdill
to tastesalt and pepper
1 tspmsg (optional)
1 tsp(optional) garlic powder
1 tsp(optional) onion powder


  1. First goal is to improve the stock. Add the stock, scrap chicken pieces (backbone and wings tips), onion, carrot, celery, and garlic to a pot and bring to a boil then lower to a stronger simmer.
  2. Put some oil or butter on the skin side and generously salt and pepper both sides of the chicken. Place the chicken skin side up on a baking sheet and roast at 400. Roast for 40-60 minutes until the chicken breasts reads 155 degrees f. While this is cooking, continue the remaining steps.
  3. After the stock simmers for about 30 minutes, remove all the solids. Add the juice of a quarter of the lemon, salt and pepper to taste. (Optional) Added a teaspoon of garlic powder and onion powder to boost those flavors a bit more.
  4. Increase the stove to medium heat. Add the potatoes and cook for 10 minuutes, then add the carrots. Cook until the potatoes are fork tender.
  5. When the potatoes are almost fork tender I start cutting the chicken. Removing the crispy skin for garnish and remove the meat off the bone. Cut the meat into small bite sized pieces. Added the chicken to the pot when the potatoes are done.
  6. Add chopped up dill and msg.
  7. Season with additional lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.
